Dina Aslamazishvili
Dina Aslamazishvili is candidate of sciences (PhD) in social philosophy and the author of more than 70 publications in different international miscellanea. Dina has additional certificates in business training, psychology, and human resource management fields. Dina additionally works as embodiment coach. She is embodiment practitioner and the graduate of Foundations of Embodiment certification (Britain).
Dina Aslamazishvili graduated with honors the Bachelor Program in State Siberian Technological University, received the Master’s degree in linguistics and translation, and continued studies in Wroclaw University (Poland) in cultural philosophy direction. As well Dina is a laureate of Jagiellonian University Queen Jadwiga Fund twice (Poland, Cracow).
Dina Aslamazishvili is a member of many cultural and scientific conferences, participant of the World congress of philosophy: rethinking philosophy today (Seoul, Korea); ISTA 2005: Improvisation - 14th Session of the International School of Theatre Anthropology (Wroclaw, Poland); International College of Business-Trainers (ICBT) courses, and Embodiment Coaching courses. In the year Dina participated in the academic exchange program and delivered several classes (USA).
Among the last publications are from the 12th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences (Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies), Princeton, NJ, USA, 2019), the 7th International Conference on Social, economic, and academic leadership (ICSEAL, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020) and the 16th International RAIS Conference (Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies) on Social Sciences and Humanities (Johns Hopkins University, Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, USA, 2020).
Dina is one of the creative mentors in the training course “Success Formula” ( სატრეინინგო კურსის ,,წარმატების ფორმულა"), and is the author of the courses: ''MANAGING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION" and “COACHING MANGEMENT”.