Georgian American University Medical School is announcing The Second International Students’ Multidisciplinary Conference “Build a Better Future Today with Science”, Tbilisi 2022 organized by the Georgian American University, Medical School.
The conference takes place on 1-2 July, 2022. The conference is hybrid and will be held both online and off-site format. Venue for off-site meeting: 10 Merab Aleksidze Str., 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia.
This Conference is a great opportunity for the students from all over the world to present their research work in front of an international audience. The Conference is at the same time the competition for the best students’ papers. All papers selected to participate in the conference will be published in the GAU Annual Scientific Journal.
- Students of Biomedical Field from all over the world are eligible to participate in this conference.
- There is no age limitation.
- Group projects are accepted.
- Every participant or team (working on one project) should have a mentor/ supervisor.
All participants of the conference will be awarded with certificates. The author of the best work will be awarded a certificate and a prize!
We accept original researches and literature reviews. Research projects are welcome!
Topics should be covering:
- Basic Bioscience
- General Medicine
- Clinical Medicine
- Life Science
- Epidemiology
- Public Health
- Research and trials
- Behavior
- Learning, memory and cognition
- Healthcare services, research and education
- Instrumentation and methodology
Topics should align with the theme of the conference which is: "Build a Better Future Today with Science".
Timeline of the conference and important dates:
The conference will be held in three stages:
Stage 1 - Abstract Submission.
Receiving applications from participants. Participants will register through google registration form. Please go to registration form and fill all the required fields:
Once you fill out the form you will receive a confirmation letter or directives to make changes in your registration form.
Stage 1 opens on 1th May, 11:00 AM (Georgia Standard Time GMT+4)
Abstract Submission deadline - 15 May, 11:00 PM (Georgia Standard Time GMT+4)
Stage 2 Complete scientific paper submission deadline - 1 June, 11:00 PM (Georgia Standard Time GMT+4)
Opening the conference 1th July 12:00 PM at GAU University and 2 July 12:00 PM Online (Georgia Standard Time GMT+4)
Note: You will be given a chance to upload your paper right away when the stage 1 opens if you have your paper ready by then. After the undergoing stage 1 all participants will receive a confirmation letter with detailed information about the upcoming deadlines. Papers and any questions should be sent to:
Notifications of acceptance/rejection- 15 th June
You will receive information about acceptance/rejection of your work for the final conference.
The structure of the conference article (research paper):
Technical requirements:
- MS Word
- A4-format
- Fields 2.5 cm
- Fonts: Times New Roman/Sylfaen
- Font sizes: Title -14 / Bold; Text Body -12
- Distance between lines = 1.5
- Margins: 2cm all margins, and justified text
- Graphical material JPG, GIF and BMP
- Title (Times New Roman Font size- 14 / Bold),
- Author Author(s) -Full name of the student/ author (s), University, faculty, educational program;
- An Abstract no more than 300 words;
- Keywords: Three to five keywords
- Introduction (Includes Literature review)
- The main part - Methodology - Results - Discussion
- Conclusion (Includes Recommendations)
- References
- Annexes (If any)
Oral presentation - in the Power Point format, up to 10 minutes+ 5 min-for discussion
Poster requirements:
- Font size should be at least 24 (Important information should be readable from about 10 feet away)
- Title is short and draws interest (size at least 36)
- Word count of about 300 to 800 words (no more than 800 words)
- Text is clear and to the point
- Use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read
- Effective use of graphics, color and fonts (recommended fonts Times New Roman, and Arial)
- Consistent and clean layout
- Includes acknowledgments, your name and institutional affiliation.
In-text citations should be done in APA format. (
Conference papers will be accepted through the Email: or during the stage 1 with the application form.
Special Rules and Conditions
By submitting an article, all the submitting authors certify that all information in the article is correct.
Submitted articles cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline. By submitting an article the author's consent to publication.
The conference organizer reserves the right to remove any paper that does not comply with the requirements and rules.
All text will be checked for plagiarism. Plagiarized text that exceeds the allowed level (20%) will be rejected
Criteria for evaluation of presentation are as follows:
- Title and abstract clearly reveal the scope and result of the research - 2 points
- Important previous work is described briefly but clearly, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the research - 5 points
- Methodology (including clearly articulated questions, data sources, data collection procedures, analytical approach) and results and data are consistent with the scope of the research and are linked to findings - 10 points
- Results are properly described, visualized and discussed - 5 points
- Quality of writing style: of accuracy, clarity, readability, using scientific literature and correct citation of the references; defending the standard structure of the scientific paper - 5 points
- Presentation: Coherence and clarity of structure and thought; Proper time management; Effective presenting skills - 10 points