Conference Organization Committee Student Member - 3 (three) vacancies
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Conference Organization Committee Student Member - 3 (three) vacancies
We are excited to introduce a new opportunity for students at the Medical School, Georgian American University: the Student Member of Conference Organization Committee position - 3 (three) vacancies. As representatives of the event, student members, with other committee members will be responsible for establishing schedules and deadlines, as well as managing the submission and evaluation process with the help of experts. This role offers students the chance to develop essential skills such as event organization, communication, evaluation of the scientific material, etc., which are vital for future careers.
Selected students will be required to sign an agreement with the University and will work under the direct supervision of senior committee members, following their guidelines. Overall, this position presents a valuable learning experience and a stepping stone towards future success in the field of science.
The duties and responsibilities are the following:
- Assist the committee members
- Working with the chairs of the committees to ensure that committee responsibilities are fulfilled and meeting agendas are set
- Providing administrative assistance to the committee in setting up and conducting meetings
- Facilitating communications between committees and GAU’s medical school management
- Facilitating communications between committees and potential participants
- Participation in meetings
- Other activities related to the learning process.
Requirements for the position:
- Good leadership skills, skills in problem solving and decision making,
- Good interpersonal skills with the administrative and academic staff and the students, ability to build up in internal and external networks.
- Excellent communication skills (verbal and written), deal with routine communication using a range of media (email, nets, etc.).
- Ability to work in a team: active participation and contribution in meetings.
- Well organized, highly motivated in fulfilling his/her responsibilities.
- Ability of working independently.
Working hours: 4 hrs. Per week.
Criteria of selection:
At the position of a Conference Organization Committee Student Member shall be appointed a student:
- Who has an active status at the GAU-Georgian American University
- Who has a high academic excellence (based on GPA)
- Who has a good proficiency/high marks in a subject, related to research skills and knowledge (Society and Health/Research skills)
- Who is motivated for fulfilling the duties of a conference organization committee
Conference Organization Committee Student Member will be awarded by the certificate.
This position operates on a rotation system, with student members being rotated every two years.
How to Apply:
Candidates should present:
- Motivation letter - One-page essay explaining why you want to be a Conference organization committee student member
- Please register here and attach the motivation letter: https://bit.ly/3U9lDP8
- Selected students will be interviewed by the chairman of the conference organizing committee.
Deadline for this position is 10 April 2023